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<02/10/2023] 02/11/2023 - Downtown Odessa [02/13/2023>

Random things. 1 of 3.

Random things. 2 of 3.

Random things. 3 of 3.

Hidden away in an alleys there are things to be discovered.

Reflections. 1 of 2.

Reflections. 2 of 2.

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<02/11/2023] 02/13/2023 - FM3503 & Loop 338 S [02/14/2023>

The destination in mind wasn't this but the route I planned to get there yielded these images. The bonus was I got Loop 338 S put on my radar as a road to travel and explore.

Something to photograph and a reason to stop. Building on the corner property. 1 of 2.

Building on the corner property. 1 of 2.

This was hidden in plain sight and discovered because I like to photograph the street signs to keep as a record of where the session images come from.

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<02/13/2023] 02/14/2023 - Odessa Meteor Crater [02/15/2023>

Walking around and finding inspiration. 1 of 3.

Walking around and finding inspiration. 2 of 3.

Walking around and finding inspiration. 3 of 3.

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<02/14/2023] 02/15/2023 - 23rd & Moss ave [02/17/2023>

see also On a smaller scale for 1 more images.

It was in passing I saw these wonderful ruins (to me anyway) and found my way back to them. I parked a few blocks away so found a scene along the road as I walked back.

On the corner property I found this bench to share here, the pictures from this property I am not posting though.

Down the road along Moss another property had this trailer that caught my eye.

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<02/15/2023] 02/17/2023 - Walking downtown [02/18/2023>

Mostly just a random walk in a few blocks with no images in particular in mind. The one thing I didn't think about was checking my settings so with the exception of the last image taken was at ISO-640 and not the ISO-100 I default to, a faster exposure setting resulted but really didn't see much difference.

The initial image of the session near the Ector County Library.

Stairs at a church.

Walked down an alley to see this.

I saw these grates and looking down this pattern caught my eye.

A scene downtown. 1 of 2.

A scene downtown. 2 of 2.

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<02/17/2023] 02/18/2023 - UTPB walking trail [02/20/2023>

Interesting patterns of winter on the right of the trail.

A rock and tree along the trail.

An interesting sight that seems like an odd combination for a compromise.

The road is bridged over with drainage pipes below but one of them made a good framing device for the ditch along the trail.

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<02/18/2023] 02/20/2023 - Lions Club Park [02/21/2023>

At Esmond & Richmond in afternoon light I found the images below, no further information needed.

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<02/20/2023] 02/21/2023 - 42nd & Parkway [02/22/2023>

see also While the city sleeps for 2 more images.

With existing light and dark the scenes I see don't always catch my eye but this restaurants facade did.

A delivery truck and a driver somewhere working to keep the economy going in the early morning hours.

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<02/21/2023] 02/22/2023 - 87th & Dartmouth [02/23/2023>

I aimed for a very generic target of a left turn at the far end of Hwy 385, the idea of being a possible backside view of a golf course. Passed by due to no interest so I traveled around and found something of interest anyway.

The place was called Izzy's but the self service pumps was out of place.

A closer look at one of the pumps.

The chairs struck me as somewhat unusual.

One little place and so many unrelated subjects made for one final image.

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<02/22/2023] 02/23/2023 - 42nd & Grandview [02/24/2023>

see also While the city sleeps for 1 more image.

Time is relative and a 3am session isn't the normal time frame but when I do one I get a rare view of Odessa and some challenges in processing images.

Taco Villa.


Between some builds and a reflection, the challenge being to redirect the eye.

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